Welcome and thank you for visiting our website. We provide an easy, safe and fun online marketplace. This site is available to those who have agreed to our terms and conditions which are subject to change without warning and apply to all users of this site whether buying, selling or browsing. By using this site, you are agreeing to, and bound by, our terms and conditions.

Schmick Hunter was founded, and remains, in Australia by J & Boo. (ABN 41541479198)

1. Registration

  • All information must true and correct. If you give false information, we may reject or cancel your registration.
  • If you are under the age of 18, you may not use our services.
  • If you have previously been subjected to suspension of this site, we may reject or cancel your registration.
  • If you harass or intimidate another user, we may reject or cancel your registration.
  • If you violate or seem likely to violate our rules and policies, we may reject or cancel your registration.
  • If you have made numerous or frequent transaction cancellations, we may reject or cancel your registration.
  • If there is any change in information, you must notify us in writing, within 14 business days.
  • We may reject or cancel your registration at any time we deem necessary or appropriate.
  • We, Schmick Hunter shall not be liable for any damages, expenses, loss, lost profits, attorney’s fees, etc, to any party, at any time.

2. Prohibited Acts

  • Uploading products which you don’t want to sell.
  • Selling the same product at different marketplaces.
  • Having more than two accounts.
  • One uploading product for few different products.
  • Setting mistaken quantity.
  • Dropshipping ( not arrowed for auctions, arrowed for simple products. You must inform that and shipping days on description. )
  • Telling different price to buyer.
  • Misconstruing explain about products.
  • Not enough explaining about products.
  • Deleting or canceling the items during the auction time.
  • Listing the items which you don’t have.
  • Listing the images or words which has nothing to do with the products.
  • Listing products for advertisement.
  • Bidding your own products.
  • Advertising different products or attach other links.
  • Disturbing other sellers.
  • Charging to buyer for extra cost except shipping or tax.
  • Using other payments which Schmick Hunter not provide.
  • Using other user’s information for outside our marketplace.
  • Adding the barcode of QR code for payments.
  • Acting of infringing on a copyright, privacy, honour or any rights of others.
  • Acting offensive like sexual, obscene, violent or expressions.
  • Using contents, data, information, system, functions or programs from outside of the services.
  • Offering to buy or sell outside of Schmick Hunter is not allowed. Buyers and sellers also can’t share contact information, including email addresses and phone numbers, prior to completing a transaction on Schmick Hunter. If someone suggests sharing information, please let us know. Contact Us. * When you place a bid in the motor vehicle category, you are giving consent, with regards to sharing your contact details. Sellers of motor vehicles you place bids with are able to contact you directly to discuss the sale. Please read Motor Vehicles page for more information.

3. User’s Liability

  • We are not responsible for the quality, loss, safety or accuracy of the seller’s advertisement.
  • If you have a problem between the seller and the buyer, in the first instance please cooperate with each other to solve it.
  • If a resolution can not be met, our customer support team may then become involved.
  • We are not liable for any loss of product, monies or any damages arising from the use of this marketplace platform.

4. Prohibited and Restricted Products Listings

  • Tobacco / Cigarettes
  • All medicines / drugs / recreational drugs
  • Cosmetics
    • Individual made or subdivide, and private import
    • Used cosmetics or applicators
  • Supplements which do not meet recognised Australian safety standards.
  • Human body, parts, organ, cells, blood products. No Frankenstien wannabies here thank you.
  • Medical equipment
  • Dangerous drug, aphrodisiac, toxic plants
  • Food (Certain food are not allowed.)
  • Alcohol
  • Animals ( some pets allowed on classified ad listings )
  • Real Estate ( allowed on classified ad listings )
  • Imitation products using any brand logos, names, designs or similar products.
  • Fireworks, explosive devices or part thereof
  • Tattoo needles/ink or associated products
  • Agricultural compounds
  • Animal traps
  • Bees and hives
  • Plants and seeds
  • Plastic shopping bags
  • Radioactive materials
  • Weapons
    • Guns, ammunition, weapons, bullets, swords, air guns, dagger knives, stun guns, slingshots, pepper sprays, nunchaku, knuckle guards, extendable batons
  • Hazardous materials
    • Poisons
    • Carcinogenic substances
    • Radioactive materials
    • Combustible materials
  • Flight tickets
  • Prior purchased event tickets
  • Lottery and raffle tickets
  • Gift cards or vouchers
  • Credit cards
  • Travel services and holiday packages
  • Gambling machines, parts, devices
  • Wholesale lists
  • Digital currency
  • Locksmithing devices
  • Digital contents (audio, music, video files, photos and softwares)
  • Access to digital contents like Netflix, Disney, Hulu or Stan…)
  • Magnetic and smart card readers
  • Stocks, shares and securities
  • Stolen property
  • Uniforms, accessories or equipment of police, fire fighters, paramedics.
  • Private information and trade secrets
  • Licenses, certificates, receipts
  • Sunbeds and sunlamps
  • Used underwear, socks, adult items, unsanitary condition items
  • Used airbags
  • Seat belt extenders
  • Government items
    • Uniforms and accessories
    • Vehicles, license plates, mail bags and documents
    • Ids, passports, birth certificates
    • Government issued medals
  • Personal information
  • Child restraints
  • Any offensive items
  • Any services, except those advertised on our classifieds section which are not violating our Terms and Conditions
  • Businesses
  • Carbon credits
  • Product safety standard
  • Natural disaster and civil emergency policy
    • You may not list items with intent to take advantage of any national or international disaster, crisis, pandemic, emergency or zombie apocalypse. Should such an event occur, it is prohibited to:
    • 1. Price gouge in any way, shape or form by attempting to gain excessive profit. 2. This includes but is not limited to, setting excessive Buy Now or Reserve prices.

We will decide and determine if this policy has been breached, at our sole discretion.

  • Copyright, trademark rights and publicity rights
  • Adult items
    • Child pornography or violent pornography of any sort
    • Pirated photos or videos.
    • You must not use explicit language or images.
    • Nudity
    • Sex toys and accessories must be new.
  • Electrical items
    • All electrical items listed must be safe.
    • Mobile phones (Under contract, access control, fraudulently obtained)
    • GPS radar
    • CB amplifiers
    • Radio transmitters and transceivers
    • Covert cameras and listening devices
    • CCTV footage

5. Shipping

  • We will send a email vendor when we receive the payments from customer.
  • After selling items, they should be posted within 3 business days.
  • Vendor must wrap and package items to avoid breakages.
  • Vendor is to obtain tracking numbers from the shipping company and inform the buyer. (Store Manager→Orders→Truck mark on Action)
  • We suggest sellers maintain appropriate insurance.
  • If items are lost or damaged, it is the responsibility of the vendor to refund the customer. Schmick Hunter are not liable for any costs relating to lost, damaged, incorrect or stolen items.
  • If vendor are unable to send items within the three business days, they have an obligation to inform the customer.
  • Vendors must inform customers of the shipping price before sending items. If shipping is not included in the sale price, costs are the responsibility of the vendor.
  • If customers need to return or exchange items, customers are to pay for shipping expenses, unless vendor policy states otherwise.
  • Offering to buy or sell (complete transactions) outside of Schmick Hunter is not allowed. With the exception of Motor Vehicles, buyers and sellers may not share contact information, including email addresses and/or phone numbers, prior to completing a transaction on Schmick Hunter. If someone suggests sharing information, please inform Schmick Hunter. Contact Us
  • If your order is “Local Pickup”, buyer will have contact the vendor after they complete the payments via “Inquiry”. Please arrange the pickup place, date and time.
  • More information on our Shipping page.

6. Returns and Exchanges Policy

  • All sales transactions on Schmick Hunter shall be between the Sellers and the Buyers.
  • Seller and buyer needs to be problem solve, so you must respect each other.
  • Purchased items can only be returned to the seller for a refund, or exchanged for another item if one of the following applies.
    • 1. Items are different colour, size, model or material.
    • 2. Items are damaged on arrival, by shipping or before.
    • 3. Items have problems which the seller has failed to mention.
    • 4. If the seller has accepted a refund or exchange.
  • If buyer wants to return or refund an item for a legitimate reason, they must contact the seller via “Inquiry” from the store page within 7 days of delivery.
  • If seller accept refund request, buyer must formal refund request from My account → My orders → Refund.
  • Schmick Hunter are not liable for any cost of returns and/or exchanges. Each Seller should have an individualised return policy. ( In the case where a seller doesn’t have a policy, all parties must follow our policy).

7. Privacy

  • We do not provide your information to any third party. More details on Privacy Policy.

8. Auctions

  • Seller must sell to the highest bidder or buyer who bought using Buy Now.
  • Seller must insert actual images or state that images are representative only.
  • Buyer must bid only when intending to buy the items.
  • The Seller can’t delete or cancel items during the auction time.
  • After the auction, the seller and the buyer must have contact with each other as soon as possible.
  • Buyer should pay the purchase price and any shipping price if it’s not included.
  • If buyers don’t pay for an item, we will contact the buyer and may issue a warning or suspend registration depending on the situation.
  • If payment is not made within 5 business days, the contract to buy is void. This may result in suspension of buyer account.
  • Dropshipping is not allowed within the Auction platform, (see Dropshipping section, below).

9. Dropshipping

  • Dropshipping is not allowed on our auction platform.
  • Dropshipping is allowed from a wholesale supplier only via Buy Now products (Simple Products).
  • Sellers must declare dropshipping on the product page.
  • Sellers must indicate approximate delivery time-frame on the product page.

10. Problems

  • If you have any disputes with other users, you must try to resolve the problems.
  • If you have difficulty resolving the problems with other users, we do try to help. However, we are not responsible for quality, loss, safety or accuracy of the seller’s advertisement, any loss of money or any damages arising.
  • If you have problems with us, we will try our best to resolve it. However, we do not guarantee that our services will be 100% secure. Your use of our services is at your own risk.
  • We may remove or limit your listings or bids, warn of or suspend your registration if you breach our terms and conditions.
  • By using our services you have agreed to abide by our terms and conditions.

11. Classified Ads

  • When customers make contact regarding advertisements which you have placed, this contact may include contact information.
  • Vendors are required to that customer’s or prospective customer’s contact information is not shared with any third party whatever or used for any other reason than the customer originally intended.
  • Due to the nature of classified advertisements and the need for buyer and vendor to contact each other, make or cancel payments and organize ad complete deliveries, Schmick Hunter takes no responsibility for any issues which arise retaliating to payment, condition, failure to deliver or any other issue whatsoever.
  • Schmick Hunter reserves the right to remove any advertisement which we believe is inappropriate and/or in contradiction to our Terms and Conditions, which are subject to change, at any time. and without warningWe will advertise your ad on our social media.

12. Fees / Payments

  • We do not charge for listing items on Schmick Hunter. *Please check Prohibited and Restricted Products Listings list above.
  • We charge a success fee of 5% on all trades. ( Exclude Motor Vehicles )
  • We charge a flat rate for success fee of $50 on all Motor Vehicles.
  • Payment Fees for $0.30

Auction and Simple Products

Listing FeeSuccess Fee
Items$0.005% + $0.30
Motor Vehicles$0.00$50

Classified Ads

Listing FeeSuccess Fee
Servicie Ads$0$0
Event Ads$0$0
Pet Ads$0$0
Motor Vehicle Ads$50 / package$0
Real Estate Ads$50 / package$0


For vendor : After your customer has received the item and completed the trade they then have 7 days to check the product and with the option to return and request a refund, following this time, vendors may request payment withdrawal. We will send you the amount after deducting the success fee and payment fee to your bank account. Make sure add your account details via Vendor DashboardSettingsPayment. Please also read the How to Sell page to request withdrawals. Once payment is received the trade completed, sellers may request a withdrawal.

For buyer : For your security, we use PayID for customer payments. PayID is the faster, simpler way to make and receive payments between participating Australian banks via the New Payments Platform (NPP). You don’t need to give your credit or debit card details anymore. Just send money to our PayID from your bank app. J&Boo will then hold your payment until you have received your purchase. More informations on Buyer Info page.

13. Changing our Terms and Conditions

  • We may update or change our terms and conditions time to time. We will endeavour to inform you when and if this happens.