– We do not charge for listing items on Schmick Hunter.

*Please check Prohibited and Restricted Products Listings list on Terms and Conditions Page.

– We charge a success fee of 5% on all trades. ( Excluding Motor Vehicles )

– We charge a flat rate success fee of $50 on all Motor Vehicles.

– Payment Fees of $0.30 apply to all “Item” transactions.

Auction and Simple Products

Listing FeeSuccess Fee
Items$0.005% + $0.30
Motor Vehicles$0.00$50

Classified Ads

Listing FeeSuccess Fee
Service Listings / Advertisements$0$0
Event Listings / Advertisements$0$0
Pet Listings / Advertisements$0$0
Motor Vehicle Listings / Advertisements$50 / package$0
Real Estate Listings / Advertisements$50 / package$0


After your customer has received the item and completed the trade they then have 7 days to check the product and with the option to return and request a refund, following this time, vendors may request payment withdrawal. We will send you the amount after deducting the success fee and payment fee to your bank account. Make sure add your account details via Vendor DashboardSettingsPayment. Please also read the How to Sell page to request withdrawals.